In this section of our website you will find a local area map helping you to navigate your way around the area’s restaurants, banks, shopping stores, and other businesses located in the general vicinity of our Great Alaskan Holidays headquarter location in Southern Anchorage. This local area map may be helpful in accessing a directory of essential services as you put your final touches on what is sure to be an incredible adventure.
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What’s in the area at a glance. Well, we’ve got a Cabela’s and a Sportsman’s Warehouse for all of your last-minute hunting, fishing, or camping needs. Walmart, Safeway/Carrs, or Fred Meyer are likely your go-to spots for groceries, beverages, and other perishable and non-perishable provisions. Best Buy is right around the corner in case you forgot your phone charging cord or just need some additional digital media storage. Fuel and propane are plentiful, and close by. And if you don’t want to cook, but still need a solid meal, the area boasts many restaurants and locally-owned eateries for that Alaskan flare. And speaking of a local flare, don’t forget to check out some of our world-class brewing companies and micro-breweries, as well as our locally prepared seafood. Some brewing companies are using glacial ice directly from Alaskan waters, and the restaurants are serving up seafood catches pulled daily from our bountiful seas. Pretty cool, huh?
Please be advised that this list is not always as up-to-date as a current day and time. Area businesses open fairly frequently around this area as it continues to expand, and others do close down from time to time. Therefore, please do not consider this page for use for any final plans. Feel free to contact a Customer Service Representative for additional information or assistance.